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Powerful Tools for Caregivers

This six-week class series gives you the confidence and support to better care for your loved one – and yourself. Caregivers of ALL disability areas/conditions are welcome. The course is FREE for North Dakota residents.

The Powerful Tools for Caregivers course helps caregivers take better care of themselves while caring for a friend or relative. Whether you provide care for a spouse, partner, parent, friend, or a child with special needs; at home or in a care facility; whether down the block or miles away, your role is an important role. This course is for family caregivers like you! The classes give you tools to help:

  • Reduce stress
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Manage time, set goals, and solve problems
  • Better communicate your feelings
  • Make tough decisions
  • Locate helpful resources

Upcoming Training Dates

Please check back for the next training session.