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Special Populations

When we look at the research on what types of individuals sustain brain injuries, there are certain populations of people that are over represented. Twelve percent of the general population have a history of brain injury, while the homeless population prevalence is 50% with the majority of those injuries being sustained prior to homelessness. Behavioral health (mental health and substance use disorders) prevalence of brain injury is 60%. Those involved in the criminal justice system also have a prevalence rate of 60%, and those having experienced interpersonal violence have a rate of 75%.

The North Dakota Brain Injury Network (NDBIN) finds these numbers unacceptable and is making efforts to reduce the number of brain injuries amongst these special populations. Learn about resources and information specific to each of these special populations.

Criminal Justice

The American criminal justice system has a large number of inmates with a history of brain injury. There are many contributing factors to this statistic, and we at NDBIN know that North Dakota can help reduce this number.

Ways NDBIN Can Help

  • Support groups – We can advertise and refer individuals to groups and provide or help find facilitators.
  • NDBIN can help support groups access Specialized Support Group Curriculum – These curriculums work on understanding the makeup of the brain, the injury, and the healing process through structured activities and information sharing.
  • A.H.E.A.D - Achieving Health through Education, Accountability and Determination: A Psycho-Education Curriculum for TBI can also be provided for you by NDBIN. This curriculum was designed by Colorado's Brain Injury Alliance for use within the criminal justice system.
  • The Substance Use and Brain Injury Group uses a curriculum designed for those who are in recovery from substance use and have a brain injury.
  • Resource facilitation – Call or email NDBIN, and we can help you find resources in your area that are appropriate for you.
  • Peer-to-Peer Mentoring involves pairing individuals with peer support specialist.



Often brain injury and homelessness work in tandem. Ninety percent of individuals with a brain injury report that their first injury was sustained prior to becoming homeless.

Individuals with a history of traumatic brain injury who also experience homelessness tend to struggle with:

  • Physical and mental health
  • Substance use
  • Suicidal ideation or attempts
  • Memory
  • Involvement in the criminal justice system


Intimate Partner Violence

Unfortunately, many individuals, women in particular, are overrepresented in the brain injury world due to interpersonal violence. If someone is hurting you, please get help! For more information on resources to help get you out of these unhealthy relationships, call (855) 866-1884 or email


Mental Health

Oftentimes, individuals with a brain injury struggle with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. There are many options for you to try to get a handle on these issues.


Substance Use

Substance use following brain injury can be a slippery slope. After individuals sustain injuries, their inhibitions become lowered, allowing them to be much more susceptible to using and, under certain circumstances, misusing substances.
