Speech/Language Tip Sheet
Speech/language problems can result in difficulty expressing or understanding language, both verbal or written. May cause difficulty with social communication.
Look for These Difficulties
- Slurred production of words/slowed rate of speech/rapid nonstop talking
- Difficulty finding the desired word when speaking or writing, following directions, or understanding what was said
- Lack of initiation or joining in conversation or experiencing social isolation
- Lacking verbal filter
- Dominate interactions with others
- Don't be afraid to advocate for what you need: ask people to speak slower, repeat what they said, or to rephrase their question in a different way
- Use gestures or to help others understand
- Write down important points or tasks or use a voice recorder such as on a cell phone
- Try using paper notes or electronic devices to communicate your ideas if it is hard to say things out loud
- Try reading aloud to yourself in a place with no distractions and use a bookmark or finger to focus on one line at a time to avoid losing your place
- Speech-language therapists can help with communication as well as many other needs