Tip Sheet References
- Human Services Research Institute. (2019). Person-centered thinking, planning, and practice: a national environmental scan of definitions and principles. Cambridge, MA: National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems. Retrieved 2021, from https://stagencapps.acl.gov/docs/NCAPPS_Principles_NationalEnvironmentalScan%20191202.pdf
- Synapse Australia's Brain Injury Organization. (2020, December 14). Retrieved 2021, from https://synapse.org.au
- Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy. (n.d.). Retrieved 2021, from https://cabhp.asu.edu/
- Kolakowsky-Hayner, S.A., Reyst, H., & Abashian, M.C. (Eds.). (2019). The essential injury guide (5.0th ed.). Vienna, VA: Brain Injury Association of America.
- Mindsource Brain Injury Network (Colorado Brain Injury Program). (2020, November 03). Retrieved 2021, from https://mindsourcecolorado.org
- Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation (2013). Accommodating the symptoms of TBI. Retrieved 2021, from https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/-/media/files/wexnermedical/patient-care/healthcare-services/neurological-institute/neuroscience-research-institute/research-centers/ohio-valley/for-professionals/accommodating-symptoms/accommodating-tbi-booklet-1-14.pdf