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Host a Screening Drive

Brain injuries have been known to hide in plain sight. Screenings are often only done on those suspected of having had a brain injury, but research shows many individuals suffer with lasting effects of a brain injury without realizing it. By hosting a screening drive at your agency, you will help identify individuals that have undiagnosed brain injuries.

The North Dakota Brain Injury Network (NDBIN) has a developed a user-friendly way to screen clients and challenges your agency to encourage all staff to screen all clients for one month. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, so that would be a great time to try it. But we are here to help, no matter what month you choose.

NDBIN Provides:

  • Advertising support
    NDBIN can help develop flyers and will promote the screening drive on the NDBIN website and Facebook page.
  • Training your staff
    Training takes approximately 1.5 hours and can be done in person or via Zoom.
  • Follow-up support for clients with positive screens
    Resources include tip sheets for both professionals and the client, and access to our user-friendly data entry portal with many other useful materials.

Agency Provides:

  • Staff time to implement screening
    Approximately 20-30 minutes of time are needed for POSITIVE screens. If someone screens negative, it only takes about 5 minutes.

How to Get Started

  1. Email Carly Endres at to set a date to have your agency trained on NDBIN's screening tool
  2. Promote the screening drive
  3. Screen all clients for the month of March (or the month of your choosing)